• bold
  • iconic
  • simple
  • brave
  • ABŌD 36
Small Steps ToBig Places
ABŌD 36 develops, designs and delivers ABŌDs that create experiences which make memories and become lifestyles.

Our work never brags, but it absolutely speaks for itself.

Our Approach

Do The RIGHT Thing

a•bode |  a-bōd  |
noun  formal or literary
One’s place of residence; a house, home, ADU or cabin
They were reluctant to leave their abode


Our approach is that of the Master Craftsmen who preceded the architects of today.  Those craftsmen developed, designed and built; a strategy that resulted in the great cathedrals of Europe [somewhat more impressive than the Walmarts and Costcos architects design today, right?]

We don’t build cathedrals, but we will develop, design and build your ABŌD. So what is an ABŌD? Your ABŌD is your home, your cabin, your ADU. It’s your cathedral. Ok, forget about what we said above. We do build cathedrals – and we want to build a cathedral for you.

Our Team

Who Are We?

We are a young company lead by a couple of old guys. That means we are energetic, passionate, AND incredibly experienced. As to passion, at least one of us has been experiencing the majesty of the mountains at his family cabin since he was 3 months old. That was a really long time ago. It was a tiny cabin before tiny cabins were a thing – it was just small then. As to energetic, when we aren’t working all hours to develop, design and build your ABŌD, we are on the beach in Malibu, mountain biking in the Santa Monica Mountains or hiking in the Sierras.

And speaking of creating experiences, check out the list below. We learned from the best.

Invite your friends over, they will be so envious!

  • Brent Thompson
    Architect | CEO
  • Xuelin Tu
    Architect | Master Builder

Our Teachers

We Learned From The Best

We learned from the best. No one knows better than we do how to craft a place for you to create experiences which make memories that become lifestyles. To create affordable luxury, and make it look amazing so you look amazing.

Experience Creating Experiences